About BGA

How does the BGA operate?

The BGA operates under a legal agreement with the Australian Government requiring compliance with Australian Government guidelines and legislation. As a separately incorporated body the BGA does however operate independently of the normal responsibility and functioning of the AISSA.

All non-government, non-Catholic schools in South Australia are able to participate in the BGA, by entering into a Participation Agreement with the BGA.

Who is the BGA?

The BGA is an incorporated body for the purpose of making recommendations to the Australian Government Minister on capital grants to the State’s independent schools and to administer those grants. While the BGA operates in conjunction with the AISSA, it is a separately incorporated body and operates independent of the normal functions of the AISSA. The BGA is required it to comply with Australian Government guidelines and legislation.

Who governs the BGA?

The SA Independent Schools Block Grant Authority is governed by a committee of 10 members and includes practising school administrators, past school administrators and independent members. Its work is carried out by an Executive Officer and BGA Finance Officer.

Click here for information regarding the Committee.

What are the different BGA grants available for schools?

Currently a school can apply for a:

  • Capital Grant for refurbishment or construction projects, and
  • Master Plan Grant for future planning.

Grants for Trade Skills Centre’s previously called Trade Training Centres are no longer available.

Are any sessions offered regarding the process?

The BGA conducts a BGA Seminar for Schools annually in late October. All schools are invited to register for this seminar particluarly if they are considering an application for a grant in the year after the next calendar year.

The seminar explains the process for applying and gives school leaders the chance to ask questions regarding the process.

Other seminars, workshops or briefing sessions may also be conducted throughout the year.

BGA Events

Are any sessions offered regarding the process?

The BGA conducts a BGA Seminar for Schools annually in late October. All schools are invited to register for this seminar particluarly if they are considering an application for a grant in the year after the next calendar year.

The seminar explains the process for applying and gives school leaders the chance to ask questions regarding the process.

Other seminars, workshops or briefing sessions may also be conducted throughout the year.

Master Plan Grants

What is a Master Plan?

Click here and select Master Plans for information.

Capital Grants

How long does this process take?

Applications are accepted in January each year.  School visits to the applying schools occur in March, with an invitation to proceed offered to them in April.  Financial data is required to be submitted in July.  Once the four stages of application have been submitted the BGA Committee makes a recommendation for approval to the Australian Government.  Schools are usually notified in November/December of the approval for funding in the following year.

What are the Australian government requirements?

The BGA’s processes are based on the Australian Government’s requirements which are set out in the Australian Government – Capital Grants Programme (CGP) for Non-Government Schools: CGP Operating Manual which can be downloaded from here.

How does the BGA select which projects to recommend for Capital funding?

The BGA considers:

  • The eligibility of each application as it relates to the Australian Government’s criteria for capital funding;
  • The priority of eligible applications based on indicators of educational disadvantage;
  • Details of the proposed projects as submitted by applicants and discussed with BGA Committee members during visits to applicant schools; and
  • The financial situation of the schools seeking assistance.

What can funds be used for and who can apply?

Click here and select Eligibility Criteria for project applications and what a Capital Grant can be used for.

How does a school apply for a Capital Grant?

To apply for a Capital Grant representatives from the school attend the BGA Seminar held in October each year which details the process for applying.  Following the seminar Stage 1 – Notice of Intent to apply is opened for schools to register their interest for a grant in the year after the next calendar year, eg. October/November 2016 a Notice of Intent for Capital Grant funding is lodged for projects to commence in 2018.  All Notices of Intent made by Lutheran Schools must be approved by the Lutheran Schools Association before the BGA can consider an application.

When can a school apply for a Capital Grant?

The process begins with the Notice of Intent which can only be lodged in October/November each year.  Occasionally the BGA will consider out of round applications.

When and who approves Capital Grants?

Recommendations for funding are required to be submitted to the DET for approval by the Australian Government Minister. Generally, the Minister’s decision on recommended projects is announced in November or December of the year prior to the funding round and most projects are scheduled to commence in the following year.  However, funding for large projects may be provided over a two to three year period which means that schools may have to borrow funds to finance projects in the interim.

Are any sessions offered regarding the process?

The BGA conducts a BGA Seminar for Schools annually in late October. All schools are invited to register for this seminar particluarly if they are considering an application for a grant in the year after the next calendar year.

The seminar explains the process for applying and gives school leaders the chance to ask questions regarding the process.

Other seminars, workshops or briefing sessions may also be conducted throughout the year.