Stage 2 Initial Application

A formal application providing project details, enrolments, cost at standard costs, Educational Need and a forecast of Financial Need.

Closing date is Thursday 1 February 2024

Please read the instructions below before completing and submitting your application.

Step 1 - Instructions for Applicants

There are three parts to this year’s application for completion.  

  1. CGP Application 2025 – Open the Excel document returned to you by the BGA for Stage 1 NOTICE OF INTENT. Re save this document as SCHOOL NAME Stage 2.xlxm and use this file to compete the Initial Application stage.  Please note this is a MACRO ENABLED workbook and is best updated using Microsoft Office 365/Microsoft Windows.
  2. Site Diagram
  3. Sketch Plans

Please ensure that each of these steps listed here are completed so that your application is accepted.

Step 2 - Completing your application

Information about the grants program

Capital Grants Program (CGP) Guidelines“.  This publication is issued to Schools by the Department of Education and Training.  It outlines the Capital Grants Program’s scope, objectives and priorities.

Schools are welcome to contact the BGA to discuss any proposed application prior to submission.

Please be aware that if you intend applying for more than one project it is highly likely that only ONE PROJECT will be recommended to the Government.  Please ensure that your PRIORITY project is entered as PROJECT 1.

Complete Stages 2.1 to 2.9

Using the workbook complete the tabs for Stages 2.1 through 2.9 and save to your computer.  These worksheets cover enrolments, existing facilities, the proposed project, Capex budget and Financial Forecast.  These worksheets preform many of the calculations automatically.  To save re entering the same data at future stages you will need to UPDATE sections of this workbook as part of those stages.

Please refer to the HELP NOTES which accompany the Excel Spreadsheet to assist with completion.

Site Diagram

Please PDF a diagram of the School site showing all existing and proposed facilities preferably A3 size. Please label rooms and show square metre areas.

Ideally this should be a copy of the master plan for the School’s facilities.  Upload below at the completion of all documentation.

Please shade and code the diagram to show current, projected and other planned future facilities. 

Sketch Plans

Please PDF sketch plans that give a good idea of the design of the project.  Where possible include plans and external perspectives with dimensions.  Upload below at the completion of all documentation.

Submit Application

On completion of the Stage 2 Initial Application, UPLOAD the three documents below.

  • CGP Application with Stage 1 and Stage 2 data entered – must be uploaded in EXCEL format only and saved as SCHOOL NAME STAGE 2.xlsm.
  • Site Diagram – must be in PDF, A3 size preferably
  • Sketch Plans – must be in PDF
  • QS or Quotation if obtained – not mandatory at Stage 2 but is at Stage 3.

After submission you will receive an email confirming your application.

Step 3 - Special Notes

Retrospective assistance

Applications for retrospective assistance cannot be considered.  An application is considered to be retrospective if a School enters a commitment (eg signs a contract) prior to receiving formal Ministerial approval of a grant.  This occurs in late November/early December prior to the Grant Year.

Late Applications

Late applications cannot be accepted

Engaging an architect

While not mandatory, using expert advice for design and costing at this early stage is strongly encouraged. Preliminary design should consider all options and requirements.  Inaccurate costing can lead to later financial problems.  In particular,

  • a description of the project and realistic costings are required at the initial application stage, and
  • an A3 size site plan with all areas of facilities marked is also required. The current, proposed and projected facilities must be shade coded on the sketch.

Cost Guidelines

The HELP NOTES give an explanation regarding the BGA Standard Costs for functional areas.  If estimates of costs for your project exceed BGA standard costs, please add an explanation.

Step 4 - Area Guidelines and Project Costing
Size Chosen and Total Area

This relates to Stage 2.4 EXISTING FACILITIES and Stage 2.5 PROJECT COSTS.  Sizes are measured as net floor areas, ie areas are measured from the inside face of the interior walls. Figures should be expressed in whole square metres. In the case of extensions, “size chosen” is the area of the additional space. For conversions and refurbishments, “size chosen” is the total area of the facility being converted or refurbished.

Project Costing

In Stage 2.5 PROPOSED PROJECT must use the Standard Costs for a project so that an across the board comparison can be made on all applications.  Non Standard Costs should only be entered for refurbishment projects or part refurbishment projects which should be expressed to the nearest $100.  An additional column has been added to the Cost Guidelines in the HELP NOTES,  at 70% of the Standard Cost to assist you in completing this.  This can be adjusted upward if needed.  The cost of built-in equipment and built-in furniture should be included in Section B) Associated Costs for Proposed Project section of Stage 2.5.

Where a QS or quotation has been obtained a copy of this documentation must be submitted with the application.  There is provision in Section C) Total Project Costs of Stage 2.5 to show the proposed project as COSTED BY SCHOOL which is often more than Standard Cost.  An explanation is required.

It is not mandatory at Stage 2 to have a QS/Quotation but at Stage 3 it is mandatory.

Area Guideline

The BGA has established area guideline for Schools. A School’s area per student is measured before and after a proposed project is constructed to allow for enrolment increases.  In general, Schools should endeavor to remain within Area Guidelines after the proposed project is completed.  This is used only as a guide.  The current Area Guidelines are 7.5 m2 per primary student (Years R-6) or 12.0 m2 per secondary student (Years 7-12).

To download a copy of the HELP NOTES use this link CLICK HERE.

UPLOAD relevant documents below.

Please ensure you have all documents completed and ready to upload.

Please select a valid form.